The efficacy and stability of delta-8-THC make it an extremely valuable cannabis-derived chemical compound. The distillate’s benefits and effects serve both medical and recreational consumers alike, and it illustrates the power of individual chemical constituents within cannabis.
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What is Delta 8
Delta 8 Derived from the hemp plant was made federally legal with the 2018 Agricultural Improvement Act.
Cannabis and hemp plants grow very small amounts of delta-8 THC, making it far more rare than delta-9. However, it can be derived from either type of cannabis plant using special breeding, extraction, and processing methods. Okay, so a different THC cannabinoid exists, why does it matter? While delta-8 and delta-9 THC may share similarities, they have some noted differences. Unlike CBD, which is heralded for its lack of psychoactive effects, that is not the case for delta-8 THC. A good way to think about it generally is something like the light beer of THC. It can energize or relax the consumer depending on the larger terpene and cannabinoid profile.